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Package for Machine Design

Finite Element Analysis in Structural Mechanics

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List of programs

The PMD's programs are divided into problem-oriented modules, see overview and Solution Procedures.

Programy označené hvězdičkou jsou dostupné také ve verzi využívající paralelní sparse direct řešič (namísto frontálního řešiče). Tyto programy mají na konec názvu připojeno písmeno A, např. FEFS → FEFSA, HPLS → HPLSA, atd. Všechny programy v rámci jednoho výpočtu musí použít stejný lineární řešič.

Starting with version f90.1 all programs are independent on the problem dimension. However, for backward compatibility, the original program names are kept in case of formerly separate 2-D/3-D programs. That means that for example programs RPD2 and RPD3 are identical and it does not matter which one is actually used in the computation batch.

Dimenzi úlohy nastaví program RMD2/RMD3, resp. XRM2/XRM3, podle údajů ve vstupním souboru name.i1. Je-li parametr $\mathtt{ITED}$${}\in\{4,5,6,7\}$ nebo klíč $\mathtt{KSS}$${}\ne0,$ předpokládá se 2D úloha, ve všech ostatních případech se předpokládá 3D úloha. Tento způsob je zpětně kompatibilní a správně identifikuje naprostou většinu úloh bez nutnosti zásahu do vstupního souboru. Dimenze úlohy se automaticky přenáší do všech ostatních programů.

Heat Transfer Module

Name Function Input Protocol
XRM2*Process the description of geometric properties, 2-D problemsname.i1name.o1
XRM3*Process the description of geometric properties, 3-D problemsname.i1name.o1
XRPDProcess the description of physical properties and solver control parametersname.iBname.oB
XT2S*Solve a steady-state heat transfer, 2-D problems (modifikovaná Newton-Raphsonova metoda) name.oT
XT2T*Solve a transient heat transfer, 2-D problems (modifikovaná Newton-Raphsonova metoda) name.oT
XT3S*Solve a steady-state heat transfer, 3-D problems (modifikovaná Newton-Raphsonova metoda) name.oT
XT3T*Solve a transient heat transfer, 3-D problems (modifikovaná Newton-Raphsonova metoda) name.oT

Elastostatics Module

Name Function Input Protocol
RMD2*Process the description of geometric properties, 2-D problemsname.i1name.o1
RMD3*Process the description of geometric properties, 3-D problemsname.i1name.o1
RPD2Process the description of physical properties, 2-D problemsname.i2name.o2
RPD3Process the description of physical properties, 3-D problemsname.i2name.o2
SRH2Calculate stiffness matrices of elements, 2-D problemsname.i3name.o3
SRH3Calculate stiffness matrices of elements, 3-D problemsname.i3name.o3
FEFS*Solve a linear elastostatic problem (frontal metod)name.i4name.o4
STR2Calculate stresses, 2-D problemsname.i5name.o5
STR3Calculate stresses, 3-D problemsname.i5name.o5

Dynamics Module

Name Function Input Protocol
HMOTCalculate mass matrices of elementsname.iMname.oM
HCRECalculate damping matrices of elements (Rayleigh damping)name.iCname.oC
HFROFactorize the structural matrix for dynamic solvers (frontal method)name.iRname.oR
HEIG*Solve an eigenproblem (subspace iteration method)name.iEname.oE
HFRQPrint normalized eigenvectors and eigenfrequenciesname.iFname.oF
HMOD*Solve a dynamic problem (modal superposition method)name.iDname.oD
HNEWSolve a dynamic problem (direct integration method)name.iWname.oW

Nonlinear Statics and Dynamics Module

Name Function Input Protocol
HPP2Prepare data for nonlinear solver, 2-D problemsname.iPname.oP
HPP3Prepare data for nonlinear solver, 3-D problemsname.iPname.oP
HPLS*Solve a nonlinear static problem (BFGS method)name.iLname.oL
HDYNSolve a nonlinear dynamic problem (central difference method)name.iNname.oN

Stability Module

Name Function Input Protocol
GEO2Calculate initial stress matrices of elements, 2-D problemsname.iGname.oG
GEO3Calculate initial stress matrices of elements, 3-D problemsname.iGname.oG
STABPrint eigenvectors and eigenvalues for stabilityname.iSname.oS
en/user/programs.txt · Last modified: 2024-08-06 12:30 by Petr Pařík