Package for Machine Design

Finite Element Analysis in Structural Mechanics

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; program control, load case sequence IP KREST NLC NCYC KMOD KCRP KLARG KCNT KTPR KURHS 0 $L_1$ $L_2$ $\dots$ $L_\mathtt{NLC}$ RP 10*0 $t_1$ $t_2$ $\dots$ $t_\mathtt{NLC}$

; load case sequence (alternate) LC $L_1$ $t_1$ LC $L_2$ $t_2$ $\vdots$

; end of input data EN EN


$\mathtt{KREST}$The key of restart.
$=1$new computation
$=2$additional input of load cases
$\mathtt{NLC}$The number of entries in the load case sequence, $1\le\mathtt{NLC}\le15.$ See the note below about longer sequences.
$\mathtt{NCYC}$The number of cycles. The default value is $1.$
$\mathtt{KMOD}$The key of the plasticity model.
$=0$elasticity (default)
$=1$von Mises model
$=2$generalized associative model
$=3$generalized non-associative model
$=4$Feigenbaum-Dafalias model
$\mathtt{KCRP}$The key of the creep model.
$=0$without creep (default)
$=1$Isotropic model
$=2xx$Bina model
$=2$Norton Model
$=3$Norton-Bailey model
$=4$Time Hardening model
$=5$MPC Project Omega model
$=6$Kloc model
$\mathtt{KLARG}$The key of geometrical nonlinearity.
$=0$geometrically linear (default)
$=1$total Lagrangian formulation (large displacements, small strains)
$=2$updated Lagrangian formulation (large displacements, small strains)
$=3$logarithmic formulation (large displacements, large strains) only for elasticity
$=4$corotational formulation
$=5$Mooney-Rivlin model
$=6$Ogden model
$\mathtt{KCNT}$The key of contact.
$=0$without contact (default)
$=1$with contact
$\mathtt{KURHS}$The key of the right-hand side update. The right-hand side is assembled for the current deformed body configuration.
$=0$not updated (default)
$=1$updated after each iteration
$L_i$The index of the load case corresponding to the $i$-th entry in the load case sequence.
$t_i$The time $[\text{h}]$ corresponding to the $i$-th entry in the load case sequence.
The prerequisites for using $\mathtt{KREST}=2$ are:
i) the nonlinear problem was solved successfully, i.e., the program HPLS/HDYN has run at least once with $\mathtt{KREST}=1,$
ii) the additionally entered load case sequence corresponds to already processed load cases (if the required load case is not available, it is necessary to first enter additional load cases and repeat the whole solution procedure),
iii) the time $t_1$ must be greater or equal to the time in which the previous solution was ended (this applies to creep problems only).
If the load case sequence is input using LC batches, the values of $\mathtt{NLC},$ $L_i$ and $t_i$ on the IP and RP lines are ignored and it is possible to input up to 100 sequence entries.
en/ref/name/ip.txt · Last modified: 2024-11-27 15:19 by Petr Pařík