Package for Machine Design

Finite Element Analysis in Structural Mechanics

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; main parameters IP NELEM NNOD ITED 0 NGD 0 KPER NPSN 0 KSS RP CRIT SCALE THDEF XL XU YL YU ZL ZU ALPHA ␣␣$A$ $I_k$ $W_k$ $I_\eta$ $W_\eta$ $I_\zeta$ $W_\zeta$ $p_x$ $p_y$ $p_z$ ; optional default values of line elements’ geometrical characteristics (see note below)

; description of nodes XY C IN$_1$ $x_{\mathtt{IN}_1}$ $y_{\mathtt{IN}_1}$ $z_{\mathtt{IN}_1}$ $\dots$ C IN$_n$ $x_{\mathtt{IN}_n}$ $y_{\mathtt{IN}_n}$ $z_{\mathtt{IN}_n}$ ; row-wise XY N IN$_1$ $\dots$ IN$_n$ X $x_{\mathtt{IN}_1}$ $\dots$ $x_{\mathtt{IN}_n}$ Y $y_{\mathtt{IN}_1}$ $\dots$ $y_{\mathtt{IN}_n}$ Z $z_{\mathtt{IN}_1}$ $\dots$ $z_{\mathtt{IN}_n}$ ; column-wise

; description of elements EL T ITE E IE N INE$_1$ $\dots$ INE$_\mathtt{NNE}$ H $h_1$ $\dots$ $h_\mathtt{NNE}$ G NG ␣␣S IH R $I_\eta$ $I_\zeta$ $A$ $\alpha_v$ $h_T$ $h_v$ ; optional description of the semi-loof element’s edge reinforcement(s) ␣␣A $A$ $I_k$ $W_k$ $I_\eta$ $W_\eta$ $I_\zeta$ $W_\zeta$ C $p_x$ $p_y$ $p_z$ ; optional values of line element’s geometrical characteristics (see note below)

; description of connector elements CN T INDF E IE IE$_1$ ID$_1$ IE$_2$ ID$_2$

; end of input data EN EN

If the EL batch describing a line element is missing groups A or C, the default values from the RP line are used.


$\mathtt{NELEM}$The number of elements, including any connector elements.
$\mathtt{NNOD}$The number of nodes.
$\mathtt{ITED}$The default value of the element type identification number. It is used when the EL batch is missing the T group. The default value is $\mathtt{ITED}=6$ (when $\mathtt{NDIM}=2$) or $\mathtt{ITED}=56$ (when $\mathtt{NDIM}=3$).
$\mathtt{NGD}$The default value of the element numerical integration order, $2\le\mathtt{NGD}\le4.$ It is used when the EL batch is missing the G group. The default value is $\mathtt{NGD}=3.$
$\mathtt{KPER}$The key of periodicity.
$=0$non-periodic mesh
$=1$periodic mesh
$\mathtt{NPSN}$The number of nodes on the periodicity surface (when $\mathtt{KPER}=1$), or the number of nodes in the symmetry plane (when $\mathtt{KPER}=0$).
$\mathtt{KSS}$The key of the 2-D stress-strain matrix.
$=-1$plane stress ($\sigma_{xz}=\sigma_{yz}=\sigma_{zz}=0$)
$=0$plane strain ($\varepsilon_z=0$)
$=1$nonzero plane strain ($\varepsilon_z=\varepsilon_{z0}=\text{konst.}$)
$=2$axisymmetric (the axis of rotation is the $y$ axis)
$\mathtt{CRIT}$The criterion for checking Jacobians, i.e., the degree of distortion of elements. The adequate value is $1\le\mathtt{CRIT}\le2.5,$ for severely (but still allowably) distorted elements it may be up to $4.$
$\mathtt{SCALE}$The scale of node coordinates and element thicknesses in XY a EL batches. For example, the value $\mathtt{SCALE}=0{,}001$ means that all coordinates and thicknesses are entered in milimeters.
$\mathtt{THDEF}$The default thickness of planar elements and shell elements. It is used when the EL batch is missing the H group. The default value is $\mathtt{THDEF}=1.$
The coordinates $(\mathtt{XL},\mathtt{XU})\times(\mathtt{YL},\mathtt{YU})\times(\mathtt{ZL},\mathtt{ZU})$ of the bounding box, not touching the body. It is used for checking input data. The default values are $\mathtt{XL}=\mathtt{YL}=\mathtt{ZL}=10^{-10},$ $\mathtt{XU}=\mathtt{YU}=\mathtt{ZU}=10^{10}.$
$\mathtt{ALPHA}$The angle between the periodicity surfaces $[^\circ]$ (when $\mathtt{KPER}=1$).
$\mathtt{IN}_i$The index number of the $i$-th node, $1\le\mathtt{IN}_i\le\mathtt{NNOD}.$
$x_{\mathtt{IN}_i},y_{\mathtt{IN}_i},z_{\mathtt{IN}_i}$The coordinates of the $i$-th node in the global Cartesian coordinate system. In 2-D meshes, the $z$ coordinates are always omitted.
$\mathtt{ITE}$The identification number of the element type. When the T group is missing, the value of $\mathtt{ITED}$ is used.
$=5$axisymmetric triangle
$=7$axisymmetric quadrilateral
$\mathtt{IE}$The index number of the element.
$\mathtt{NNE}$The number of nodes in the element, including any omitted midside nodes.
$\mathtt{INE}_j$The index numbers of the element’s nodes in predefined order, $1\le j\le\mathtt{NNE}.$ Midside nodes may be omitted by entering 0 at the appropriate position.
$h_j$The element’s nodal thicknesses (only for planar elements and shell elements), $1\le j\le\mathtt{NNE}.$ If there is only a single value, it holds for all nodes of the element. When the H group is missing, the value of $\mathtt{THDEF}$ is used for all nodes of the element.
$\mathtt{NG}$The order of numerical integration on the element, $2\le\mathtt{NG}\le4.$ When the G group is missing, the value of $\mathtt{NGD}$ is used.
$\mathtt{IH}$The local edge number of the semi-loof element.
$\mathtt{INDF}$The identification number of the connection type.
$=-2$edge connection
$=-3$face connection
$=-4$fixed connection
$=-5$hinged connection
$=-6$transient resistance
$\mathtt{IE}_1,\mathtt{IE}_2$The index numbers of connected elements.
$\mathtt{ID}_1,\mathtt{ID}_2$The local numbers of entities at which the elements are connected.
en/ref/name/i1.txt · Last modified: 2024-11-27 15:20 by Petr Pařík