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Finite Element Analysis in Structural Mechanics

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Ogden material model, BEAM56H3



element type nodes
1 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2 56 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
3 56 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
4 56 13 45 15 16 17 18 19 20 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 

Boundary conditions

$u=0$ at all nodes in the $yz$ plane
$v=0$ at all nodes in the $zx$ plane
$w=0$ at all nodes in the $xy$ plane


The Ogden material model for compressible hyperelastic materials is defined by the strain energy function given $$\psi=\psi_v+\psi_d,\quad \psi_v=\frac{1}{2}\kappa(J-1)^2,\quad \psi_d=\sum^\infty_{r=1}\frac{\mu_r}{\alpha_r}\left(\bar\lambda_1^{\alpha_r}+\bar\lambda_2^{\alpha_r}+\bar\lambda_3^{\alpha_r}-3\right),$$ where $\alpha_r,$ $\mu_r$ are pairs of material parameters of the Ogden material model and $\kappa$ is bulk modulus. $J=\det\mathbf{F}$ is the determinant of the deformation gradient $\mathbf{F}.$ $\bar\lambda_A=J^{-2/3}\lambda_A$ are modified principal stretches.

Even if the material model contains only parameters $\alpha_r,$ $\mu_r$ and $\kappa,$ it is convenient to define the shear modulus as $2\mu=\sum^\infty_{r=1}\mu_r\alpha_r$ and then establish the tangent modulus of elasticity in the non-deformed state and the Poisson ratio as $$E=\frac{9\kappa\mu}{3\kappa+\mu},\quad \nu=\frac{3\kappa-2\mu}{2(3\kappa+\mu)}.$$ In our example we have $\mu=422{,}500\text{ Pa},$ $E=1{,}265{,}717\text{ Pa}$ and $\nu=0.49789.$ The principal stresses of the Cauchy stress tensor corresponding to the strain energy function given above are $$\sigma_A=\sigma_{dA}+\sigma_{vA},$$ where $$\sigma_{dA}=J^{-4/3}\lambda_A\frac{\partial\psi_d}{\partial\bar\lambda_A}-\frac{1}{3}J^{-4/3}\sum^3_{B=1}\frac{\partial\psi_d}{\partial\bar\lambda_B}\lambda_B$$ with $$\frac{\partial\psi_d}{\partial\bar\lambda_A}=\sum^\infty_{r=1}\mu_r\bar\lambda_A^{\alpha_r-1}.$$ The principal stretches of the volumetric part of the Cauchy stress tensor are $$\sigma_{vA}=\kappa(J−1).$$ It can be proved that for given load $l_x=0.4\text{ MPa}$ and given material parameters $\alpha_1=1.3,$ $\mu_1=0.63\text{ MPa},$ $\alpha_2=5,$ $\mu_2=0.0012\text{ MPa},$ $\alpha_3=−2,$ $\mu_3=−0.01\text{ MPa}$ and $\kappa=10^8\text{ Pa},$ the following principal stretches and displacements fit the above written equations $$\begin{array}{lll} \lambda_x=1.4984 & & u_x=0.4984\text{ m} \\ \lambda_y=0.8177 & & u_y=-0.0036455\text{ m} \\ \lambda_z=0.8177 & & u_z=-0.001823\text{ m} \end{array}$$ The Cauchy stress in the bar is $\sigma_x=0.5982\text{ MPa}.$

The computation is executed with the following commands:

rmd3 beam56h3.i1
rpd3 beam56h3.i2
srh3 beam56h3.i3
fefs beam56h3.i4
hpp3 beam56h3.iP
hpls beam56h3.iL
str3 beam56h3.i5


IP   4    56   56
RP 1.01   1
XY N 1:20 X 4*0 4*0.25 4*0.5 4*0.75 4*1
          Y 5*(0 0.02 0.02 0)
          Z 5*(0 0 0.01 0.01)
EL E 1:4 N =A 1:8 =A =B 21:32 =B
           =4A =8B =8A =16B =12A =24B
IP   1
IV 1 T 7 V 0
             ; E       α ν           α1  α2  α3   μ2   μ3
MP 1 T 1 I 1 V 1265717 0 0.49789 7*0 1.3 5.0 -2.0 1200 -10000
SV 1 T 9 V 4e5 0 0 0 0

AS 1 /M 1
  /B 0 C 1 N 1:4 21:24
  /B 0 C 3 N  1  2  5  6  9 10 13 14 17 18 21 29
             37 45 53 25 26 33 34 41 42 49 50
  /B 0 C 2 N  1  4  5  8  9 12 13 16 17 20 24 32
             40 48 56 25 28 33 36 41 44 49 52

AS 2
  /S 1 E 4 S6

IP   1
IP   1
IP   1    1    0    0    0    6   4*0
;  load case sequence
IP   0    1    50  10000   0    0
RP   0  1e-4 1e-4   0
IP  1  0   1   0   6*0    2     2


;  KLC 0 KOUT ILC  ...  KPROB KGRAF                                             
IP  1  0   1   0   6*0    2     2                                               
                                                      1TH LOAD CASE

           NODE             U                V                W             ALPHA            BETA             GAMMA
                           [m]              [m]              [m]           [rad]            [rad]            [rad]

              1       0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
              2       0.0000000E+00   -0.3645074E-02    0.0000000E+00
              3       0.0000000E+00   -0.3645074E-02   -0.1822537E-02
              4       0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02
              5       0.1246002E+00    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
              6       0.1246002E+00   -0.3645073E-02    0.0000000E+00
              7       0.1246002E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.1822536E-02
              8       0.1246002E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822536E-02
              9       0.2492005E+00    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
             10       0.2492005E+00   -0.3645073E-02    0.0000000E+00
             11       0.2492005E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             12       0.2492005E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02
             13       0.3738007E+00    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
             14       0.3738007E+00   -0.3645074E-02    0.0000000E+00
             15       0.3738007E+00   -0.3645074E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             16       0.3738007E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02
             17       0.4984010E+00    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
             18       0.4984010E+00   -0.3645073E-02    0.0000000E+00
             19       0.4984010E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             20       0.4984010E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02
             21       0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02    0.0000000E+00
             22       0.0000000E+00   -0.3645074E-02   -0.9112684E-03
             23       0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             24       0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.9112684E-03
             25       0.6230013E-01    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
             26       0.6230013E-01   -0.3645073E-02    0.0000000E+00
             27       0.6230013E-01   -0.3645073E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             28       0.6230013E-01    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02
             29       0.1246002E+00   -0.1822536E-02    0.0000000E+00
             30       0.1246002E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.9112682E-03
             31       0.1246002E+00   -0.1822536E-02   -0.1822536E-02
             32       0.1246002E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.9112682E-03
             33       0.1869004E+00    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
             34       0.1869004E+00   -0.3645073E-02    0.0000000E+00
             35       0.1869004E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.1822536E-02
             36       0.1869004E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822536E-02
             37       0.2492005E+00   -0.1822537E-02    0.0000000E+00
             38       0.2492005E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.9112683E-03
             39       0.2492005E+00   -0.1822537E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             40       0.2492005E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.9112683E-03
             41       0.3115006E+00    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
             42       0.3115006E+00   -0.3645073E-02    0.0000000E+00
             43       0.3115006E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             44       0.3115006E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02
             45       0.3738007E+00   -0.1822537E-02    0.0000000E+00
             46       0.3738007E+00   -0.3645074E-02   -0.9112684E-03
             47       0.3738007E+00   -0.1822537E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             48       0.3738007E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.9112684E-03
             49       0.4361009E+00    0.0000000E+00    0.0000000E+00
             50       0.4361009E+00   -0.3645073E-02    0.0000000E+00
             51       0.4361009E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             52       0.4361009E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.1822537E-02
             53       0.4984010E+00   -0.1822537E-02    0.0000000E+00
             54       0.4984010E+00   -0.3645073E-02   -0.9112683E-03

           NODE             U                V                W             ALPHA            BETA             GAMMA
                           [m]              [m]              [m]           [rad]            [rad]            [rad]

             55       0.4984010E+00   -0.1822537E-02   -0.1822537E-02
             56       0.4984010E+00    0.0000000E+00   -0.9112683E-03

                                                   STRESSES AT GAUSSPOINTS

   IE   IGP     XG          YG          ZG       SIG-X   SIG-Y   SIG-Z  SIG-XY  SIG-YZ  SIG-XZ  SIG-HMH     EPSP     DMG
               [m]         [m]         [m]       [MPa]   [MPa]   [MPa]   [MPa]   [MPa]   [MPa]    [MPa]      [-]     [%]

         1  0.2818E-01  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         2  0.2818E-01  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         3  0.2818E-01  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         4  0.1250E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         5  0.1250E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         6  0.1250E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         7  0.2218E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         8  0.2218E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         9  0.2218E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        10  0.2818E-01  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        11  0.2818E-01  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        12  0.2818E-01  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        13  0.1250E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        14  0.1250E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        15  0.1250E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        16  0.2218E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        17  0.2218E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        18  0.2218E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        19  0.2818E-01  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        20  0.2818E-01  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        21  0.2818E-01  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        22  0.1250E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        23  0.1250E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        24  0.1250E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        25  0.2218E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        26  0.2218E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        27  0.2218E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00

         1  0.2782E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         2  0.2782E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         3  0.2782E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         4  0.3750E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         5  0.3750E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         6  0.3750E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         7  0.4718E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         8  0.4718E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         9  0.4718E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        10  0.2782E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        11  0.2782E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        12  0.2782E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        13  0.3750E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        14  0.3750E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        15  0.3750E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        16  0.4718E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        17  0.4718E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        18  0.4718E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        19  0.2782E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        20  0.2782E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        21  0.2782E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        22  0.3750E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        23  0.3750E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        24  0.3750E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        25  0.4718E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        26  0.4718E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        27  0.4718E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00

         1  0.5282E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         2  0.5282E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         3  0.5282E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         4  0.6250E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         5  0.6250E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         6  0.6250E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         7  0.7218E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         8  0.7218E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         9  0.7218E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        10  0.5282E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        11  0.5282E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        12  0.5282E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        13  0.6250E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        14  0.6250E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        15  0.6250E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        16  0.7218E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        17  0.7218E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        18  0.7218E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        19  0.5282E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        20  0.5282E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        21  0.5282E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        22  0.6250E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        23  0.6250E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        24  0.6250E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        25  0.7218E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        26  0.7218E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        27  0.7218E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00

         1  0.7782E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         2  0.7782E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         3  0.7782E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         4  0.8750E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         5  0.8750E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         6  0.8750E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         7  0.9718E+00  0.2254E-02  0.1127E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         8  0.9718E+00  0.1000E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
         9  0.9718E+00  0.1775E-01  0.1127E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        10  0.7782E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        11  0.7782E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        12  0.7782E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        13  0.8750E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        14  0.8750E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        15  0.8750E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        16  0.9718E+00  0.2254E-02  0.5000E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        17  0.9718E+00  0.1000E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        18  0.9718E+00  0.1775E-01  0.5000E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        19  0.7782E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        20  0.7782E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        21  0.7782E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        22  0.8750E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        23  0.8750E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        24  0.8750E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        25  0.9718E+00  0.2254E-02  0.8873E-02     0.6     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        26  0.9718E+00  0.1000E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00
        27  0.9718E+00  0.1775E-01  0.8873E-02     0.6    -0.0    -0.0     0.0    -0.0     0.0      0.6  0.000E+00  0.00

                                * END OF STR3 *
 TOTAL CPU: 00:00:00
en/example/nlin/6/3.txt · Last modified: 2024-11-07 09:32 by Petr Pařík