The Time Hardening creep model is a combination of Norton-Bailey model, describing the primary phase, and Norton Model, describing the secondary phase. With the assumption of a constant temperature the model is defined by five constants: $K_1$ to $K_5.$
The creep strain is the sum of strains of both models and is defined as $$\varepsilon_c = K_1\sigma_e^{K_2}t^{K_3}+K_4\sigma_e^{K_5}t\tag{1}\label{1}$$ and the creep strain rate as $$\dot\varepsilon_c = K_1\sigma_e^{K_2}K_3t^{K_3-1}+K_4\sigma_e^{K_5}.$$
In ANSYS, this model is denoted $\mathtt{TBOPT}=11.$ The creep strain is defined as $$\varepsilon_c = \frac{C_1\sigma_e^{C_2}t^{C_3+1}e^{-C_4/T}}{C_3+1}+C_5\sigma_e^{C_6}te^{C_7/T}.\tag{2}\label{2}$$
If we assume a constant temperature, it is $C_4=C_7=0,$ and the equation \eqref{2} has the form $$\varepsilon_c = \frac{C_1\sigma_e^{C_2}t^{C_3+1}}{C_3+1}+C_5\sigma_e^{C_6}t.\tag{3}\label{3}$$
Comparing \eqref{1} and \eqref{3} we obtain the conversion equations: \begin{align} K_1 &= C_1/(C_3+1) & C_1 &= K_1K_3\\ K_2 &= C_2 & C_2 &= K_2\\ K_3 &= C_3+1 & C_3 &= K_3-1\\ K_4 &= C_5 & C_4 &= 0\\ K_5 &= C_6 & C_5 &= K_4\\ & & C_6 &= K_5\\ & & C_7 &= 0 \end{align}
The Time Hardening model is activated by the parameter $\mathtt{KCRP}=4$ in the file name.iP
All materials used must be assigned to the elements using the file name.DAT
The material parameter files have the following structure:
* * Comments *
DATA $T_1$ $K_{11}$ $K_{21}$ $K_{31}$ $K_{41}$ $K_{51}$ $\vdots$ $T_N$ $K_{1N}$ $K_{2N}$ $K_{3N}$ $K_{4N}$ $K_{5N}$
contains the keyword either PMD, or ANSYS (see below).POCET DAT
contains the number of lines $N$ in the block DATA
, $N\le20.$DATA
contains $N$ lines of six values $[T,K_1,K_2,K_3,K_4,K_5]$ (for model PMD
), or $[T,C_1,C_2,C_3,C_5,C_6]$ (for model ANSYS
). Temperatures are specified in $^\circ\text{C}.$There is only one material used in the creep problem.
; KREST NLC NCYC KMOD KCRP KLARG KCNT IP 1 11 1 0 4 0 0 3*0 11*2 RP 10*0 0 1 100 1000 10000 30000 80000 120000 160000 200000 250000 EN EN
number 1 thans.dat
************************************************************************ * * * test example * * * * parameters description * * * * TH MODEL identification of the Time Hardening model * * PMD/ANSYS flag specifying which coefficients are present * * T K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 - PMD * * T C1 C2 C3 C5 C6 - ANSYS * * POCET DAT the number of data lines (max. 20) * * DATA 6 parameters on each line * * T temperature in deg. Celsius * * K1 - K5 model parameters * * * ************************************************************************ TH MODEL ANSYS POCET DAT 2 DATA 540 1.9907955E-08 1.41564 -0.65744 5.96523E-18 5.494 560 1.9907955E-08 1.41564 -0.65744 5.96523E-18 5.494