; description of integer/real vectors of arbitrary length VC IB T 1 I/R $\dots$ I/R $\dots$
; basic temporal description of excitement RS IB T 1 I NFOUR NPOL
; assignment of meaning to the vectors defined by a VC-batch or read from file AS IB T 1 I ISET KFEAT I IDISC IREC KFEAT I $\dots$
; end of input data EN EN
$\mathtt{KOUT}$ | The key of output to the protocol. | |
$=0$ | no output (can be used to check the input data) | |
$=1$ | components of nodal displacements | |
$=2$ | components of nodal displacements and velocities | |
$=3$ | components of nodal displacements, velocities and accelerations | |
$\mathtt{KDUMP}$ | The key of output to the binary file name.S . |
$=0$ | no output | |
$=1$ | output the displacement field after each time step | |
$=2$ | output the displacement field in selected time steps | |
$\mathtt{KPRIN}$ | The key of printing the header to the protocol. | |
$=0$ | no header | |
$=3$ | print header | |
$\mathtt{KKIN}$ | The key of excitation. | |
$=0$ | force excitation (prescribed displacement conditions are time-independent) | |
$=1$ | harmonic kinematic excitation | |
$\mathtt{KREST}$ | The key of restart. | |
$=1$ | start a new computation (default) | |
$=3$ | continue a computation (specifying higher $\mathtt{TEND}$ or continuing an interrupted computation) | |
$\mathtt{KGRAF}$ | The key of result output. | |
$=0$ | only output to the protocol | |
$=1$ | only output to the text files name.STV and name.STA |
$=2$ | output both to the protocol and the files name.STV and name.STA |
$\mathtt{TEND}$ | The time to be reached at the end of the computation $[\text{s}].$ | |
$\mathtt{IB}$ | The batch number. | |
$\mathtt{NFOUR}$ | The number of terms of the Fourier series, $\mathtt{NFOUR}\le100.$ | |
$\mathtt{NPOL}$ | The order of the polynomial of the Fourier series, $\mathtt{NPOL}\le35.$ | |
$\mathtt{ISET}$ | The index at which the vector is specified in the VC batch. |
$\mathtt{KFEAT}$ | The key specifying the physical meaning of the quantity described by the vector. | |
$\mathtt{IDISC}$ | The number of the file from which the vector is read. | |
$=1$ | name.1 |
$=2$ | name.2 |
$\mathtt{IREC}$ | The number of the record in the binary file $\mathtt{IDISC}.$ |
$\mathtt{KFEAT}$ | Key letter | Vector length | Physical meaning of the quantity (see notes below) |
1 | R | $\mathtt{LSOL}$ | components of nodal displacements; $\mathtt{LSOL}$ is the number of degrees of freedom of the mesh |
2 | R | $\mathtt{LSOL}$ | components of nodal velocities |
3 | R | $\mathtt{LSOL}$ | $\mathbf{R}_0$ or $\mathbf{u}_0$ (according to $\mathtt{KKIN}$) |
4 | R | $\mathtt{NFOUR}$ | $A_1,A_2,\dots,A_\mathtt{NFOUR}$ |
5 | R | $\mathtt{NFOUR}$ | $B_1,B_2,\dots,B_\mathtt{NFOUR}$ |
6 | R | $\mathtt{NFOUR}$ | $\omega_1,\omega_2,\dots,\omega_\mathtt{NFOUR}$ |
7 | R | $\mathtt{NPOL}+1$ | $a,C_1,C_2,\dots,C_\mathtt{NPOL}$ |
8 | nod used | ||
9 | R | $\le50$ | times $t_{d1},t_{d2},\dots~[\text{s}]$ for the dump and output to the protocol (mandatory for $\mathtt{KDUMP}=2$) |
10 | I | $\le\mathtt{NNOD}$ | the list of node numbers for the output to the protocol (not affected by $\mathtt{KDUMP}$); $\mathtt{NNOD}$ is the number of nodes in the mesh |
11 | R | $\le50$ (even number) | times $t_{L1},t_{U1},t_{L2},t_{U2},\dots~[\text{s}]$ defining the intervals $(t_{Li},t_{Ui}),$ where $f(t-t_{Ui})=f(t)\equiv0$ |
The information in the RS
batch, together with the information in the VC
batch, specify the time characteristics of the excitation. The excitation $\mathbf{b}(t)$ is assumed in the form of a product (skleronomic)
vector $\mathbf{b}_0$ and a scalar function of time $f(t),$ i.e.,
$$\mathbf{b}(t) = \mathbf{b}_0f(t).$$
The vector $\mathbf{b}_0$ contains axial components of amplitudes, either
The time function $f(t)$ is designed in the form of product of the partial sum of the Fourier series and a polynomial, i.e., \begin{align} f(t) &= F(t)P(t),\\ F(t) &= \sum_{k=1}^\mathtt{NFOUR}\left[A_k\cos(\omega_kt)+B_k\sin(\omega_kt)\right],\\ P(t) &= e^{at}\left(C_1t^{\mathtt{NPOL}-1}+C_2t^{\mathtt{NPOL}-2}+\dots+C_{\mathtt{NPOL}-1}t+C_\mathtt{NPOL}\right). \end{align}
$\mathtt{NFOUR}=0$ implicates $F(t)=1,$ $\mathtt{NPOL}=0$ implicates $P(t)=1.$
If the excitation acts only on a few nodes, it is convenient to use the condensed notation for $\mathbf{b}_0.$
If the excitation is distributed to many nodes, or if it is a subject of calculation or measurement, it may be advantageous to provide $\mathbf{b}_0$ in the special filename.1
Note for $\mathtt{KFEAT}=3$
The zero force component in $\mathbf{R}_0=\mathbf{b}_0$ means that the excitation in that place and direction is zero. The zero displacement component in $\mathbf{u}_0=\mathbf{b}_0$ means the absence of kinematic excitation in that place and direction; in no way does it represent a > prescribed zero displacement.
Note for $\mathtt{KFEAT}=11$
The intervals $(t_{Li},t_{Ui}),$ $i=1,2,\dots,$ defined by the even number of ascending time levels $t_{L1},$ $t_{U1},$ $t_{L2},$ $t_{U2},\dots~[\text{s}]$ let the continuous-in-time excitation $\mathbf{b}(t)$ not be activated in intervals $(t_{Li},t_{Ui}),$ $i=1,2,\dots.$ As soon as the time $t$ reaches the value $t=t_{Ui},$ the program sets $t_0=t_{Ui}$ and for the next interval $(t_{Ui},t_{Li+1})$ it holds the excitement again as $$\mathbf{b}(t) = \mathbf{b}_0f(t-t_{Ui}) = \mathbf{b}_0f(t-t_0) = \mathbf{b}_0(t)f(t).$$
For $\mathtt{KDUMP}>0$ the binary filename.S
is generated which contains for all ($\mathtt{KDUMP}=1$) or selected only ($\mathtt{KDUMP}=2$) time levels (which are integer multiples of the integration step $\mathtt{TSTEP}$) two records: the first contains nodal displacements (of length $\mathtt{LSOL}$) and the second contains the time (of length $1$). This file has the same structure as the filename.FRQ
generated by the program HFRQ, or the filename.S
generated by the programs HNEW or STAB.